W : a novel
- Nakladnik: Fraktura
- Prijevod: Ellen Elias-Bursać
- 10/2021.
- 344 str., tvrdi uvez s ovitkom
- ISBN 9789533584126
- Cijena: 19.78 eur
Preračunato po fiksnom tečaju konverzije 7,53450 kuna za 1 euro - Cijene knjiga su informativnog karaktera, navodimo prvu cijenu po izlasku knjige iz tiska. Preporučamo da cijene i dostupnost knjiga provjerite kod nakladnika ili u knjižarama! Moderna vremena više se ne bave prodajom knjiga, potražite ih u knjižarama, antikvarijatima ili u knjižnicama.

Igor Štiks’s fourth novel, mysteriously titled with only one letter, W, is his most elaborate so far – and definitely his most exciting – a feat of storytelling in which historic tragedies are woven through with humor and erotic passion. It is both a murder mystery – in which nothing is as it seems and where we don’t learn the truth until the very last page – and a reflection on a century of revolutionary struggles. In it, Štiks asks some of the crucial questions of our era: What are the lessons of past heroic struggles for a world of equality and freedom that were then followed by tremendous disappointments and tragic failures? And what can we do today in the face of contemporary planetary horrors? The novel vividly brings to life the turbulent years of the 1960s through the early 2000s with all their contradictions, disasters and hopes.
Igor Štiks’s novel W is at once a thriller and a philosophical discussion that deals with the European left from the second half of the 20th century. Štiks talks about abandoned ideas that might be important today. This book was written by a great prose stylist and philosopheractivist who irresistibly resembles the young John Berger and who asks the question – how to change the world? An important novel. – Semezdin Mehmedinović, author of Sarajevo Blues and My Heart
Igor Štiks is the author of A Castle in Romagna and The Judgment of Richard Richter (originally published as Elijah’s Chair), which have been translated into 15 languages. He has won many prizes for his fiction and plays and was named a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Ministry of Culture. He is also the author of Nations and Citizens in Yugoslavia and the Post-Yugoslav States: One Hundred Years of Citizenship (Bloomsbury, 2015). His essays and commentaries have appeared in The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Open Democracy and ROAR Magazine.
Igor Štiks (Sarajevo, 1977.) pisac je i znanstveni suradnik Sveučilišta u Edinburgu. Objavio je dva nagrađivana romana, "Dvorac u Romagni" (2000.) i "Elijahova stolica" (2006.), koja su do danas prevedena na petnaest jezika. U beogradskom Jugoslovenskom dramskom pozorištu predstava "Elijahova stolica", u režiji Borisa Liješevića, osvojila je Grand Prix BITEF-a 2011. Liješević je 2015. na scenu Sarajevskog ratnog teatra postavio njegov prvi dramski tekst "Brašno u venama", koji na međunarodnom festivalu MESS i na Festivalu kazališta BiH dobiva nagradu za najbolji tekst. Londonski Bloomsbury iste mu je godine objavio studiju "Nations and Citizens in Yugoslavia and the Post-Yugoslav States: One Hundred Years of Citizenship". S Jo Shaw uredio je zbornike "Citizenship after Yugoslavia" (Routledge, 2012.) i "Citizenship Rights" (Ashgate, 2013.). Sa Srećkom Horvatom objavio je esej "Pravo na pobunu" (Fraktura, 2010.) i uredio zbornik "Dobro došli u pustinju postsocijalizma" (englesko izdanje Verso, 2015.; Fraktura, 2015.). Objavio je i knjiga pjesama "Povijest poplave" (Frakture, 2008.). Za svoj književni i javni rad dobio je francusko odlikovanje Vitez umjetnosti i književnosti.
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