Chasing a Croatian girl : A survivors tale
- Nakladnik: Algoritam
- 06/2014.
- 186 str., meki uvez
- ISBN 9789533167732
- Cijena: 10.49 eur
Preračunato po fiksnom tečaju konverzije 7,53450 kuna za 1 euro - Cijene knjiga su informativnog karaktera, navodimo prvu cijenu po izlasku knjige iz tiska. Preporučamo da cijene i dostupnost knjiga provjerite kod nakladnika ili u knjižarama! Moderna vremena više se ne bave prodajom knjiga, potražite ih u knjižarama, antikvarijatima ili u knjižnicama.

You probably came to Croatia because you saw an irresistible ad 'Croatia is beautiful' or a trusted friend told you that it’s a place you can’t miss visiting this year. And they all were right, Croatia is all they say and more. However, if you only limit yourself to gazing over azure sea or visiting a bunch of old ruins, you will never find out how the real Croatians actually live amongst the bloody history of wars gone by and beauty of the land of sea and light.
However, Cody McClain Brown, not-so-average American guy who met a not-so-average Croatian girl and managed to woo her (a lengthy affair that ended up in marriage) will tell you what life here is all about. There is the endless coffee-drinking, there are dangers of mysterious drafts that lurk behind every open window, there are mothers-in-law, ubiquitous pillars of society and the absolute importance of wearing slippers, but there is also the meaning of friendship and life being lived in a slower, more connected way.
His insightful, humorous and open-minded anecdotes will make you feel as if you lived here, at least for a short while.
Cody McClain Brown rođen je u Tulsi u državi Oklahoma. Diplomirao je engleski jezik na Sveučilištu Loyola u New Orleansu i magistrirao politologiju na Državnom sveučilištu Oklahoma. Doktorirao je na Sveučilištu Kanzas na temu “Zašto su se borili: Razlozi sudjelovanja u ratu u Hrvatskoj“.
Predavač je na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, autor popularnog bloga Zablogreb i knjiga "Propuh, papuče i punica“ (Algoritam, 2014.) i "Hrvatska uzvraća udarac" (Vorto Palabra, 2017.). Prema romanu "Propuh, papuče i punica" priređena je i kazališna predstava u režiji Ivana Lea Leme, premijerno izvedena 2017. u Gradskom kazalištu mladih u Splitu.
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